Thursday, February 24, 2011

From colleague

I had dinner with a former colleague, a short meeting while she was transiting in KLIA from Denpasar (DPS) to Joburg (JNB)... A short short catch up, and we maximised that with GOSSIP and update...

She was one of many people I abused during my time in Dubai.. She was one of many people who did not take anything personal, who did not judge me as young comer to the industry, and we support each other.. especially on the report writing and follow ups.. To Marika, it feels wonderful to know a kind and positive person like you.. =)

I'll be hosting two friends from Dubai this coming weekend.. This is their first time in Kuala Lumpur and Im excited to show them around, a city tour to our prestigious landmark, a makan-makan time for our delicious food, and extend the Malaysian Hospitality from our friendliness..

ps- It turns out friendship still exists in working environment..
ps - South Africa famous product is the Rooibos Tea...
ps - I had tried the famous Appletizer, its like sparkling apple juice... slurp slurp


At time I wished, we can start all over again.. Like the first time we knew each other name, and the first time when I saw you smile..
At time I wished I saw the sign, that you needed me besides, and you cried in your sleep missing me..
At time I wished, I did not break your heart, I did not start hoping, and I did not say to you that I like you, and you look cute in that jacket..
But, most of the time, when that moment came to regret everything.. I knew you are happy with your man, the one who always understands you and be by your side..


Blue roses, often portrayed in literature and art as a symbol of love and prosperity to those who seek it, do not exist within nature, due to genetic limitations being imposed upon natural variance. Traditionally, white roses have been dyed blue to produce a blue appearance; in 2004, researchers have used genetic modification to create blue pigmented roses. A blue rose is traditionally a flower of the genus Rosa (family Rosaceae) that presents blue-to-violet pigmentation and also the Morganus Clarke sunflower seed disposition, instead of the more common red or white variety.[citation needed]

I was asked "What is the meaning of BLUE ROSE..."

Source: Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tentang tulisan ini, bukan sejujurnya yang di rasa
Mungkin ada yang terlihat, manusia melakukannya,
Cuma dari jauh perhati, tidakkan mahu menjaga kain di jemuran orang
Apa pelikkah manusia sekarang,
Nyatanya, bila kertas menjadi tuan dunia..

Antara hormat atau kegilaan,
Kuasa di tangan di cengkam hebat
Nahhh, muka kamu di sana sini
Di peti televisen mendapat anugerah angkara
Di hati surat khabar kononnya mempermudah urusan negara
Aku bertanya,
Siapakah kamu?

Hati-hati ya
Teluk minyak sudah bergelora
Apinya membara membawa perubahan..

Hati-hati ya

Monday, February 21, 2011

Many ways

There are many ways a guy can use to *test girl he like, a friend shared her test was a ride on an old van to Midvalley and Bangsar Village.. My friend passed the first test cos she knew she was being tested, err to me its kindna OBVIOUS..

I have my own simple tests...

a. Life - I go to my type of warong or mamak..
b. Personality - I let you meet my friends..
c. Commitment - I observe you with your mobile..

Ladies, do not take our test wrong..

Its a preliminary filter to know if you can fit to our life and to see if we can fit to your expectation as well..

The test was never meant to show who was good or who was bad...

ps/- its not judging, to me its hedging.. hahah

Friday, February 11, 2011



Dari kotak hati ada kad kecil
Kiriman si peminat rahsia, katanya ingin berkenalan
Tulisannya kemas, penuh hati-hati
Berbunga si gadis, bila si teruna memberi harapan

Dari kiriman kad kecil
Timbul rasa ingin berjumpa, tapi di mana? Bila?
Si teruna mencari kata
Si gadis menunggu penuh rasa..


Hari ni awak nampak serabut
Semua orang kutuk
Tapi ada gak hati yang puji
Jadi you can always count on me

Hari ni awak senyum kat saya
Tapi saya buat-buat tak nampak
Padahal nak elak dari pengsan…

Hari ni awak datang kelas saya
Tapi Saya buat bodoh ajer
Padahal bumi ni rasa macam dah tak cukup graviti

Hari ni awak nampak comel
Semua orang puji
Tapi saya puji dalam hati
Padahal nak gak puji sekuat hati

Hari ni saya senyum kat awak
Tapi awak jalan depan saya
Jadik senyum pun tak guna

Hari ni awak tegur saya
Tapi saya buat-buat pekak
Padahal nak elak daripada tak boleh berhenti borak

Hari ni saya tegur awak
Tapi saya tegur awak dalam hati
Jadi awak tak penah dengar all the gud lucks and take care hari-hari

Hari ni kita duduk semeja
Tapi rasa cam jauh giler
Padahal tak sampai sedepa

Hari ni awak beratur belakang saya
Tapi saya tak tau nak cakap ape
Jadi saya blah macam tu aje

Hari ni berubah situasi
Tapi Saya still kat sini
Padahal dah kosong tak berisi

Hari ni saya nampak awak dari McD
Tapi awak tak macam dulu lagi
Jadi saya terdiam sendiri

Hari ni saya dah janji..nak pergi
Tapi tak tau kenapa tak boleh pergi

Hari ni saya menyesal ada ego yang tinggi
Tapi dah takde harapan kat sini
Jadi nak tak nak terpaksa sendiri

Hari ni hari terakhir nampak awak
Tapi awak tak toleh sini
Awak fokus kat tv

Hari ni saya tengok gambar kita senyum
Tapi gambar tinggal gambar
Nak buang sayang nak simpan sedih

Eesok antara kita ada “balai berlepas”
Esok…tiada esok untuk saya
Esok juga…tiada esok untuk awak

Semoga satu hari nanti saya menginsafi diri
Tak nak ada ego tinggi lagi
Buat sakit hati

Sebelum pergi
Hari ni..kat sini
Saya janji
Semua ni untuk awak…
Sebab kenal awak anugerah terindah pernah saya miliki….
Terima kasih awak….


Sunday, February 6, 2011

another bla bla blaaahhh


That was the least proper word that I said in my first 2 months in KL, the truly Asia capital city... Its not another idealistic "kacang lupakan kulit" symptom, never, I love my country, but not to deny I feel tired of "bully" and over ruled and overpowered leaders.. =)

Kuala Lumpur love is for delicious local food, loving local people.. We are Malaysian maaa, we call abang and akak at stalls buying Pisang Goreng or Cekodok.... We call aunty and uncle to our parent's friends (which all the mat salleh will not understand how our parent's friends are related to us that we call uncle and aunty...) HA HA HA

Dubai is still one of my favourite place to be.. A transit so called..

ps/- Im happy here, near to you


You can make a man to wait
Until a point where you must put a stop
Waiting needs patience
Patience is not a man's bestfriend.. Normally


Dear God,

Remember in my pray
I pray to be healed from fear

Im in fear
Fear that I might leave without reason

ps/- Phobia ooohhhh


You know, Im okay if you want to impress a girl.. I mean materialistic girls normally fall for that bait...

But do it deliberately, do not over promised, do not over rated yourself, will you?

Remember bro, my advice just be yourself.. Marriage is more into responsibility than love

And, err manage her expectation towards you as well okay?

ps/- a for apple, b for ball, c for .... ?


Is Mesir drama another strategy to increase world's oil price? More soft approach without missles and soldiers? Is it because of they are tired of their leader and wanting the man number one to step down or the approach is because of big sam deficit budget..

ps/- not a fan of cnn =)

sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit

There were days I just ignored phone calls, I feel exhausted and that usually happened after I got few calls, from different girls... normal girlfriends..

To find the right words, to listen to their stories, and to be patient and understands their problems... BUT good thing is, no solution is required... What they need is someone to listen to them sincerely...

But girls, sorry.. I need a break from all negative thoughts you all send..

When I ignore you calls, doesnt mean we are not friends... Right?

ps/- I have ignored 4 girls who were trying to get me yesterday.. sorry!


Im getting to know a girl..
She is garang, selamba and different..

Lets hope this is the last, and I dont screw things half way..

ps/- Im tired playing games

Off from prime spot

Its late but better than never..
And so I decided and had deleted my FB account, hopefully this time is for good..

FB, a social network that has good and bad.. in many ways.. And I think as I grow older wiser, I think its time to stop playing around, be away from social spot light, and live humbly quiet away from "virus"..

For now, I think its okay to resume writing here... I have limited followers which is not at the creepy stalker stage... (All of you are friendly and good people, I assume =P )....


I am reading these, and you are encourage to click on the url if you found them interesting..

Hi Hi Hi


Im going into SOHO, soon =)