Thursday, April 21, 2011

I should

I know, I should not say anything bad about my country publicly, neither me nor the people get the advantage doing that.. The top people and outsiders will just look and laugh.. "Pity people.." they said..

But, people's voice should need to reach them.. I think*


we finally met..


Am preparing for borneo trip, that if the next week trip confirm..

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Properties oooo properties

I am not sure if it is an accident happened but I am kindna enjoy what I am doing now..

So far I have rented out a condo in Cyberjaya (without agent help), helped to sell a semi-d in Kajang Country Heights (with agent help "sob-sob) and now I am furnishing a condo in Bangsar.. Weeeee ** excited.. I had to survey about 5 lighting shops before made the purchase... I'll save every penny I can.. Muhahaha (kedekut punya budak!!!)

Now I am surveying furniture - sofa and bed and of coz a/c... Hurmm I have idea for bed but that need to consult my contractor if he can give me discount on the new idea... Muhahaha!!! Squeezzzzzz.. p/s- ayah, andy says its easier to negotiate with you than me.. =)

People, people!!!

I have a shop for rent...

There, the link to view the shop's images...
