Wednesday, January 2, 2008

mum's chicken soup helps

I have few friends who are concern and everytime they had chance, they threw questions which I wish I can change the answer.

"Mcmana bro, dah dpt keje?Visa bape lama yer"

"How is your job hunting going on?Any luck?"

"Have faith ok?Ada je keje utk u"

"Adlil, mcmana dah ada jawapan?"

I look at the dictionary. Faith means:

1. belief or trust: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof.
2. religion or religious group: a system of religious belief, or the group of people who adhere to it
3. trust in God: belief in and devotion to God.
4. set of beliefs: a strongly held set of beliefs or principles people of different political faiths
5. loyalty: allegiance or loyalty to somebody or something

To all, thank you for your concern..


Adlil is not feeling well. I'm catching a cold. Will update soon.
Happy new year people~

New year resolution : New love?Ahaks~
New career?
Same life, same Adlil, same attitude~

(Senyum paksa dalam sakit)
Ad- out


Feeling better!
I woke up this morning and log in to my gmail acc.

There is a reply from one of the companies i applied

"Thank you for responding. However we are willing to pay AED xxxx.xx and your expectation is higher that what we are willing to pay..."

I say "Arghh!!"

Anyway (dengan semangat Malaysia boleh) and after curi2 dengar what my dad told angah last night about persistent. I emailed back (thinking that I have nothing to loose if i try)

" Perhaps, I can lower my salary expectation.."

I like the company profile (based on their website), its a HR Consultancy Firm specialised in HR training, and not recruiting. Haiihhsss...

Kalau takde reply, makna takde rezeki lagi lah ni...

I won't look back, because that is what I be doing for past 1 year,
I'll put my head straight, and walk foward..

p/s - nak hilangkan tension maybe after this cari idea sambung cerpen~hehehe

Got sms from my friend in Malaysia. He is working with one of the recruitment agency

"Ad, where are you. Call me back whenever you are free..."

I replied " Yes bro, I'm in Dubai. Anything I can help?"

"Nothing much, there is vacancy with BAT, think that you will be interested to apply. But I think you are doing well now...Take care"

I replied "Hey thanks man. I pass around..."

He is one of people I met in my working life in Malaysia. Some of people who don't see different with races, religion and background.

p/s - No matter where we are coming from, we still Malaysian right?


Aiden / Sharina

PART 1 - Click here
PART 2 - Click here

1 comment:

LuQman said...

interesting questions great story