Sunday, May 1, 2011

after a long..

Final goodbye in disguise

What are words is Addie’s favourite song and was shared by him when we were in Brunei, a song with meaningful lyrics, and personally for me the song is more like a reminder..

“Meant what you say, period!” Do not make ridiculous promises.. Hahaha

I made few promises when I was young, err younger… Promises made from young puppy love..
I was attached to the promises made for almost 2 years before I was freed couple days ago..
I dreamed a final goodbye, both of us smiled and I know from there we had let go off everything..

She was beautiful on her wedding day, congrates and pray for your happiness..
I downloaded and play the song whenever possible, in the car by Bluetooth and on laptop streaming on youtube..

Ps/- attended the wedding, Addie said I played cool.. =)

1 comment:

aDdiE said...

well done bro.... march on forward where your happiness awaits ;)