Saturday, July 3, 2010

merry go around, there is pak pandir?

at least i feel at home in jeddah, the wheather is not humid like in dubai, the people is not too materialistic like in dubai and, its near Kaabah at least a reminder not to do sin, not like that to happen in dubai...

aaahhh, i can feel every second pass by, where life is a BIT laid back...muhahaha

ps/- not to forget, continuous supply of zam-zam water...what else do i want more =)



readers, if you dont mind to answer questions below:
a. favourite spot to chill (outdoor)
b. favourite spot to shop (malls)
c. will you change a coffee / ice blended to fresh fruit juice? =)

ps/- need some leads here, tengs!

1 comment:


ad, my answers are

a. beach (have mouth watering restaurant to go to eat) or waterfall (i have to prepare foods on my own)hahaha!
b. i have no favorite spot to shop but every time i go to malls, i never fail to go to food court or restaurant and enjoy different type of foods there.
c. yes. i change every time because it depends on my mood. but i prefer plain water (hot or cold).