Thursday, February 4, 2010

im an actor,

Live is a big stage with unlimited audience, if actor is not limiting the horizon.

It has beauty in script that words are out from the actor’s heart, how he feels; anger, frustration, happy, misery (name them all) for all reasons it can be. The feelings are like icing on a cake, add flavours to life’s routine.

On that basis, I am an actor in my stage surrounded by names I will not mention here. They know who they are.

There are 3 different episodes, first is the working life drama where people claim myself as heartless, direct, not a bullshit taker, robot?. The next episode is the non office hours storyline, and the actor is trying to be a good son, a not too garang eldest brother (seriously im not), great friend and useful citizen. The last episode is when the actor need to be alone, to reflect his life, the present, past and future.

The love episode is still pending for script to be approved by the censorship authority.

1 comment:

Olithabo said...

As I read I imagine the character experiencimg all this. Challenging but yet interesting. . .Great write up, the opening and closing lines are good. This is what i love the most about writing, when tittle matches with the content.