Tuesday, June 1, 2010


anyone knows why people always put wet tissue on the forehead when baby has hiccups?
doctors, scientists, parenting expert....any solid reason behind this? =)

i have had many hiccups in life...
there were time when i felt the world is not fair, people were discriminating and did not want me to get what i want. true, blaming others are the easiest way to ignore maturity!

there were time i felt i was on top of the world when everything happen as planned. i ignored people who helped, appreciate and thankful were not in the dictionary...

but then, i have changed the way i view life after a good or bad hiccup...

ps/- no wonder babies have hiccups...they are growing! =P

wish i wont stop hiccupping~ eerr i mean, growing


Bench warmer football players..

How does it feel to be sub-line, warming the wooden bench watching team mates playing on the field...

How does it feel to failed help the team to score just because you are not in the coach's game plan...

I think, any football player will move, even to a smaller club..

Just to continue playing, 90 minutes in every game...

ps/- world cup fever is heating up, i bet span will win this year

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