Tuesday, June 22, 2010

farewell note? =)

MH to passengers is just a flight code

MH to HQ, is Malaysian Hospitality
MH to me is the chapter I shared with a small UN Family
Here, with colleague, sir and madam..

We fight, we tease, irritates and annoys each other

We laughed, and share passion and stress together
like any other families, we do not keep at heart

all words are just words, no apology needed..
Cos' everything is back to normal after six

Believe me, this is not goodbye, but a start to a new beginning..

To beautiful people, I hope we meet again in the next chapter…
To beautiful time, I hope it will be remembered...

I will be missing everything here,

Beautiful people, "scenes" and time together


ps/ - any comment before the farewell?

1 comment:

Mother of Two said...

sedih gak nak tinggal kawan yer. takpe ditempat baru kawan baru pulak or mungkin dapat jodoh baru...good luck