Monday, May 10, 2010

long distance relationship

From single's point of view...

Distance is always see as taboo in relationship, mostly for youngster like me who has trust and truthful issue. Insecurity and external noise are 2 famous break up reasons for distance couples. I feel and understand how a person feels to be apart from loved one but my life in Dubai has opened a small snapshot about distance relationship for expats who are working abroad just to support family back home.

Majority populations in Dubai are from the South Asia countries like Pakistan, India and Philippines and most of them are single in Dubai. They scarify time with family to be away and earn a bit more and provide better living in own country.

However, not to ignore a bunch of people who get excited with new culture and forgets promises made before landed into the land of “dream”. Irony, expats from India and Pakistan are mostly male and from Philippines are female and because of the unique default match making condition, we can see “mix” marriage.

See, distance relationship is hard, no doubt but once a couple has gone through a distance relationship, they can manage their marriage no matter how the situation will be, God’s will..
So to long distance couple out there, trust your partner, ignore extra noise from other guys and girls.. write to each other, share a blog, emails, facebooking…well, just a suggestion

Someone actually told me that marriage is not merely on love, it is more on partnership… And I started to believe that

Ps/ - Adamaya episode 16 and 17, umrph


Prove me wrong,
Prove me wrong that I am not arrogant or prove me wrong I did no sin
Prove me wrong that sun rises every morning and sets every evening
Prove me wrong that ocean as an end, prove me wrong that Santa does not exist
Just prove me wrong when I said

I did not know how you feel and better for us to be friends

Ps/ - They have their say and I cant stop to listen


Dont be selfish =)


hazwani momel said...

wek, x selfish pn lah.

Ad- said...

ingatkan ajer

vMarie said...

i get what ur saying and i agree with it 100%, but its hard for some people to actually be so trustworthy.